Thursday, September 14, 2006

What about the children?

I'm confused. DeVos isn't elected to any office and he's criticized for not ending the strike? Granholm is criticized. "Children's education" is reasserted as paramount? But there is no mention that this strike is illegal and the teachers are breaking the law? Liberal-think. It's a scary thing.

Chronicle editorial:
disgrace: "Governor needed to intervene in strike
This being an election year, no politician wants to irritate special interest groups friendly to the cause. However, the Detroit teacher's strike wasn't about politics, it was about children's educations.
Gov. Jennifer Granholm was pretty much a non-player in the ongoing dispute, which passed the two-week mark before a judge stepped in and ordered teachers back to work. She needed to knock some heads together early on.
Nor did Granholm's opponent this fall, Republican candidate Dick DeVos, do much better. After days of silence, the DeVos campaign released a candidate statement late last week calling on the Legislature to change the laws on teacher strikes to allow a single parent in any school district to trigger sanctions. That was an extreme overreaction in our book, but at least it was a reaction.
Granholm's reluctance to engage the combatants in this fight could have had unintended consequences. One of the options before Wayne County Circuit Judge Susan Borman was to rule the current state law unconstitutional, leaving districts all over the state once again vulnerable to teacher walk-outs.
With forced negotiations now under way, it's better for teachers, districts and the children they serve to resolve this mess. And the governor needs to stand ready to help out. "

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