Sunday, June 01, 2008

Op-ed column: U.S. must tap its own oil resources or face even greater energy crisis

Op-ed column: U.S. must tap its own oil resources or face even greater energy crisis: "A great oil discovery was made in Alaska during the mid-1960s. It would prove to be the largest oil field in North America. But in order to exploit that oil, a pipeline 800 miles long had to be constructed over difficult terrain. A consortium of energy companies planned to build this $8 billion pipeline. But because sections of pipeline rights-of-way would pass through federal lands, the project required congressional approval. Congress, neither the House nor the Senate, would not approve the project. After all, didn’t the nation have excess producing capacity? And what about the environment — how could the pipeline be constructed across frozen ground, hundreds of streams, including the great Yukon River?"

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