Thursday, August 14, 2008

Power Line: If the Editors of the NY Times Were High School Students, They Would Flunk

Power Line: If the Editors of the NY Times Were High School Students, They Would Flunk: "Today, a red-faced New York Times issued this correction:
An article on Wednesday about a Government Accountability Office study reporting on the percentage of corporations that paid no federal income taxes from 1998 through 2005 gave an incorrect figure for the estimated tax liability of the 1.3 million companies covered by the study. It is not $875 billion. The correct amount cannot be calculated because it would be based on the companies paying the standard rate of 35 percent on their net income, a figure that is not available. (The incorrect figure of $875 billion was based on the companies paying the standard rate on their $2.5 trillion in gross sales.)
Unbelievable. Even for the New York Times, absolutely unbelievable."

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