Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hoping for failure isn't much of a strategy for the Republicans

Hoping for failure isn't much of a strategy for the Republicans

"It worries me that so many Republicans remain unhinged by the change of their fortunes during the last several election cycles."

The Chronicle's newly unemployed and always unhinged, ex-editorial page editor exemplifies the left's need for more private sector produced pharma!

Is Kolb nuts?

Maybe he'll buy a gun to protect himself from the great "unhinged" masses of republicans he's so fearful of?

Kolb shares with us his "worries about so many unhinged Republicans".

Quick, a republican you've had a conversation with in the last...... meebeee 40 YEARS who is "unhinged".

That's a pretty big charge, "so many republicans remain unhinged".
Do you mean like AlGore or most democrat governors?

Gimme a break.

Mr ex-editor Kolb, you can lie to yourself and your ubber-lib comrades but you appear to be a fool to all when you spout your instantly disprovable lies.

And your column is proof of your self delusion.

Enjoy your retirement.

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