Monday, October 12, 2009

R-P energy-savings program a success

R-P energy-savings program a success
"Reeths-Puffer Schools has saved more than $900,000 in energy costs the last four years by adjusting thermostats and turning off lights and computers........
The district contracted with an energy management firm, Energy Education Inc., four years ago, paying it $70,000 annually to help analyze energy use and implement savings strategies.
The four-year contract is up, so the district won't pay any more fees, but it will continue to pay $19,000 per year for its energy manager,"

OK, $900,000- $356,000 [$280,000($70,000x4)+$76,000($19,000x4)] = $544,000.
That's a great investment....... if there is no more to the other costs......
The Chronicle continues its tradition of unabashed public cheer leading and its utter lack of curiosity.

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