Saturday, February 05, 2011

The Obama Administration betrays Britain to appease the Russians over New START

The Obama Administration betrays Britain to appease the Russians over New START – Telegraph Blogs

The latest revelation from Wikileaks is the most damaging so far to the Anglo-American Special Relationship.

The disclosure in The Telegraph today that the Obama Administration “secretly agreed to give the Russians sensitive information on Britain’s nuclear deterrent to persuade them to sign a key treaty” points to an astonishing betrayal of America’s closest friend and ally, that may have significant implications for the relationship between David Cameron and Barack Obama.

Totally ignored by the American MSM.
Remember the cold war days (Oh, how we miss you Ronnie and Maggie!) when we would imprison traitors in our own government?

1 comment:

joetote said...

If this is proven top be true, the U.S. is done as a perceived world leader! If this President has in fact done what is charged in the leaked cables, he must be impeached immediately! As Pat asked above. Were the people in the Senate notified as required of this action? If so, why did the Senate vote to allow this to happen? Or is it possible this is another "we didn't read the entire thing" moment? If in fact the leaders of the Senate did in fact have knowledge of this action then they to should be brought up on charges!

Again, this is alleged but something I feel is in line with the actions of this Marxist we now have in the White House. Very scary!