Friday, February 04, 2011

Why Is Wall Street So Addicted to Prestige Colleges?

Why Is Wall Street So Addicted to Prestige Colleges? - CNBC
"The snobbery is very precise: you have to go to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Stanford and, perhaps, Wharton.
(I do have my Wharton "diploma", fuck you losers....)
And the reason for this is not the belief that these schools provide the best education—in fact, many of those evaluating job candidates were critical of the education offered by these schools.

Rather, it seems that the elite firms are simply using getting into Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Standford and Wharton as a proxy for intelligence."

Well that "proxy for intelligence" worked out well....right?

And they're not kind to Cornell, UoM....and MSU is the equivalent of spinach on your teeth at the Queen's tea.

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