Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Shocker: EPA air chief ignorant of atmospheric CO2 level

Shocker: EPA air chief ignorant of atmospheric CO2 level « JunkScience.com
"March 1, 2011 At today’s House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on EPA’s job killing greenhouse gas regulations, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) asked panel witness Gina McCarthy — chief of EPA’s air programs, including the agency’s greenhouse gas regulations — whether she had any idea of what the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is, SHE ADMITTED THAT SHE DID NOT!"

One would hope that the folks who tell us how horrible CO2 is would be following the trends............unless it really isn't about science after all........


Krambed said...

Of course it's not about the science. Never has been. Not true science anyway. Remember, Al Gore said that the science is settled. Well maybe for him it is but I don't think he ever wanted it to be about real science. That's why he and his Liberal cronies made that phoney 'Documentary' that is laughed at by REAL SCIENTISTS that are not feeding from the 'Climate Change' teat. If it was about REAL science, he wouldn't have just casually said that the relationship between CO2 and global warming was complicated. He would have done what REAL scientists did and blown up the two graphs and overlapped them so that everyone could see that CO2 didn't rise first with the rise in 'Global Warming' following but in actuallity it was exactly the REVERSE! The Earth's temperature would rise and fall, by NATURAL means and then the level of CO2 would follow accordingly. About 800 YEARS LATER! CONSISTENTLY!!!! So, just in case I lost you, the Earth would warm up and then about 800 YEARS LATER the level of CO2 would rise. When the Earh cooled, about 800 YEARS LATER the level of CO2 would fall. Seems pretty straightforward to me. CO2 levels weren't, aren't and NEVER WILL drive temperature but just he opposite. Earths temperature drives CO2 levels. GET IT? That's the real science truth that you won't hear. At least not from Al Gore, not from the EPA, not from Hansen, the idiot from NASA, not from the so-called scientists making money from the whole scam and certainly not from the LIBERAL Main Stream Media.

Jim Riley said...

Excellent response!
What is your website, blog or facebook address?
I'd love to see more!

Krambed said...

Thanks Jambork! Your comment is much appreciated. I don't have a website or a blog (although I probably should one or the other because I'm VERY opionionated.... Just ask my wife) but I do have a Facebook address. Other than a few friends and family, most of my wall posts are from Conservative sites that I subscribe to. I, myself, rarely post anything on it, other than pictures of my grandchildren. I'm a retired, disabled 60 yr old and former Southern Californian now living in San Antonio, Texas for the past five years. I miss all that you can do in California but not the politics, the traffic or the prices. I ended up on the MuskegonPundit site because I subscribe to email from JunkScience.com and they had mentioned the story about the EPA chief being ignorant about what the CO2 levels actually were. Their story was very brief so I did a search of the story and found your post on the MuskegonPundit site. I read your post, saw that no one had commented and felt that I needed to do so. I was a science major in college so I know that, be it physics, biology, astronomy, geology or any other disciine, the science is never settled. Anyone who really understands what science actually entails would know that. Of course, contrary to what the MSM would like us to believe, Al Gore is no mental giant, especially in the sciences. Far from it in fact. At elite private school St Albans, Gore's marks were embarrassingly bad in several subjects, including physics and chemistry but his father was a US Senator and regardless or your grades, nearly all students of St Albans were given automatic admission to Harvard. As a sophomore his grade in the Natural Sciences at Harvard was a D and he received a C in another minor Natural Sciences class his senior year. He also got a C in economics his senior year. Former classmates of his at Harvard remember Gore. They remember him spending a considerable amount of time shooting pool, watching television and occaisionally smoking marijuana. Throughout college, he also avoided all courses in mathmatics and logic and two of his four years he finished in the bottom fifth of his class. This is all public knowledge but you'll never hear about it unless you really want to know the truth. The MSM know these facts but heaven forbid if this information were ever to be revealed on TV or a major newspaper. He's their 'Climate Change Guru', their Pied Piper. Who would believe and follow him if the truth were to be made known to the masses. NO ONE!!!! That's who! As a side note, I also found out that he attended Vanderbilt University's Divinity school but got F's in five out of eight courses and flunked out. And he has the BALLS to act all High and Mighty like he has all the answers and that those that don't believe him are somehow Un-Americans? Are you FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME? This Is a VERY BAD joke that has been pulled on the American people and I'M NOT LAUGHING! We need to take back our schools and stop graduating Stepford Students who can't think for logically for themselves without indoctrinated biases. Then maybe we can get rid of the majority of morons that have been pretending to be un-biased reporters and newsmen and women. We have a long road ahead of us as a nation but I have to believe it is doable. For the sake of our children and their children, I pray that it is.