Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Initiative at Muskegon Community College aims to boost student performance in developmental math

Initiative at Muskegon Community College aims to boost student performance in developmental math
An experiment is unfolding inside J.B. Meeuwenberg's classroom at Muskegon Community College — and the result could drive how the college teaches developmental math for years to come.
Meeuwenberg is teaching a pilot class that combines two developmental math classes — Math 036 and Math 038 — which focus on topics ranging from decimals to pre-algebra — into one.
The class moves at an accelerated pace and carries a bigger workload, but he's confident the change will benefit students.

Instead of cheering, the media, parents and taxpayers should be screaming "what the heck happened during the 13 years of public paid, "free" education that allowed these young people to graduate without learning decimals and PRE-algebra!"

This ought to be an indictment of public education in Muskegon county.

Instead it will be used as a lever for more money from the taxpayers.

Will the madness EVER stop?!!!!

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