Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mark Steyn: An upside-down family tree

Mark Steyn: An upside-down family tree people, women, percent - Opinion - The Orange County Register
In Greece, 100 grandparents have 42 grandchildren – i.e., the family tree is upside down. In a social democratic state where workers in "hazardous" professions (such as, er, hairdressing) retire at 50, there aren't enough young people around to pay for your three-decade retirement.
And there are unlikely ever to be again.
Look at it another way: Banks are a mechanism by which old people with capital lend to young people with energy and ideas.
The Western world has now inverted the concept.
If 100 geezers run up a bazillion dollars' worth of debt, is it likely that 42 youngsters will ever be able to pay it off?

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