Saturday, May 19, 2012

Republicans deny Anuzis, Hughes reelection to party leadership posts

Land, Agema and Michigan GOP chairman Bobby Schostak will hold the three leadership posts for Michigan Republicans to the national party.
Schostak batted down a notion Agema and Land won because they successfully positioned themselves as more conservative.
"I'm not sure that they were any more to the right," Schostak said. "I think they were all pretty much within the same bandwidth of conservative values and issues. I just think that they're incumbents, they've been in office awhile and fresh people came kind of out of nowhere."
But John Yob, a GOP strategist and Agema backer, saw the election outcome a different way.
"If Bobby doesn't understand that Dave Agema is more conservative and thinks they came out of nowhere to win then he is in far over his head in leading our party," Yob said.
Michigan will send 59 delegates to the GOP national convention in Tampa, but just 30 will vote because of penalties from the national party for moving up the primary before state rules allowed. The three party leaders will be excluded from voting.
From The Detroit News:

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