Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Federal Law? What Federal Law?

Federal Law? What Federal Law? : The Other McCain

Federal Law? What Federal Law?

Posted on | October 1, 2012 | 12 Comments and 0 Reactions
Ace gave this the Flaming Skull™ and pinned it to the top of his blog: There is a federal law that requires employers to give advance notice of layoffs. Because of Obama’s massive deficits, defense contractors will have to lay off tens of thousands of employees.
Obama convinced Lockheed Martin to delay the layoff notification until after the election. Don’t like it? You’re a racist!
(Trying to get me one of those Elspeth Reeve gigs at the Atlantic.)
Last week, one of my tip-jar hitters informed me that he was one of the 575 people to be laid off when Sikorsky shut down its Black Hawk helicopter plant in New York State. When the Obama deficits start hurting my tip-jar hitters, I get angry.
UPDATE: Gabriel Malor at New York Daily News:
In case you missed it over the weekend, the Obama administration’s Friday afternoon document drop was a memo from the Department of Labor telling defense contractors not to provide legally-required notice to thousands of employees that they are about to be laid off, if automatic spending cuts agreed to by the President and the Congress take effect.
Translation: President Obama wants to prevent thousands of employees, especially in swing-state Virginia, from being told that they are going to be laid off due to Department of Defense funding cuts. Because of the timing of the cuts, those notices would have been sent to employees just prior to the election in November. The man who signed those funding cuts into law would like to avoid that.
It’s worth noting that blog sidekick Smitty works for a defense contractor. Are they going to lay Smitty off? We don’t know.
Because, hey, who cares about a freakin’ federal law, when following it might hurt Obama’s re-election chances?
UPDATE II: Yeah, let’s add this:Robert Stacy McCain@rsmccain

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