Monday, February 18, 2013

"Vaguely Rude Place Names Of The World"

Maps | Vaguely Rude:
"Vaguely Rude Place Names Of The World"

Give the C of C in "Shit, Iran" a call for a fun weekend!


AuricTech said...

I'm surprised that Short Pump, Virginia wasn't on the map:

Guy #1: "Hey, what happened to that [generation-appropriate slang term for a very attractive young woman] I saw you with last week?"

Guy #2: "Ah, she broke up with me when she found out I was from Short Pump, Virginia. Now she's dating some guy from French Lick, Indiana. You know, Larry Bird's home town...?

Jim Riley said...

Kinda hard.... not to prefer French Lick over Short Pump.... if yer a chick.

We're going to FL next month.
I wonder if Honeybunch is expectin' great things......