Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Terrible Mother’s Holiday Guide to Dangerous Gifts…

A Terrible Mother’s Holiday Guide to Dangerous Gifts…:
"… I am terrible mother, with little regard for my son’s safety.
I let him play outside after dark, armed with nothing more than a flashlight.
For birthdays and Christmas, I buy him things like knives and duct tape.
He is routinely left unsupervised in the yard.
I am a terrible mother, with little regard for my son’s social development.
A teacher once referred to him as “socially naive” because he didn’t get cultural references made from television and pop music.
Most people own a TV for every room; we have a bookcase in every room.
Even the bathroom.
Now that we’ve established what a horrible, reckless mother I am, allow me to present the things you should never ever buy your sons, unless your desire is to be a terrible mother as well. 
You’ve been warned."

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