Friday, November 15, 2013

Steyn to Obama: 'Thanks a lot genius'

Steyn to Obama: 'Thanks a lot genius' | The Daily Caller:
"“[I]t was a pitiful performance today culminating in that line ‘what we are discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy,’” Steyn said on Hugh Hewitt’s Thursday radio show.
“Well, thanks a lot genius.
Maybe you should have looked into that before a guy who has never done anything in his life — never run a convenience store — decides he has the awesome super powers to governmentalize one-sixth of the economy.
Thanks for finally figuring out that the real world is more complicated than your faculty lounge abstractions. 
At some point, you know, Americans who voted for this guy — voted for a guy who has never done anything in his life and has just been wafted onwards to the next do-nothing gig before he was ever required to do anything ought to cringe under the bed in embarrassment for voting for this guy twice.”"

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