Friday, November 29, 2013

The brilliant black economist/author the liberals call an "oreo"-----Random Thoughts - Thomas Sowell

Random Thoughts - Thomas Sowell - Page 1:
"One of the best peace speeches I ever read was one delivered back in the 1930s -- by Adolf Hitler!
He knew that peace speeches would keep the Western democracies from matching his military buildup with their own, or attacking him to prevent his buildup from continuing.
Peace speeches by Iran today serve the same purpose of buying time -- until they can create a nuclear bomb."

Don't you love it when a politicians says, "I take full responsibility"? 
Translated into plain English, that says, "Now that I have admitted it, there is nothing more for me to do (such as resign) and nothing for anyone else to do (such as fire me)." 
Saying "I take full responsibility" is like a get-out-of-jail-free card in the Monopoly game.

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