Sunday, January 12, 2014

Leftist and GOPers unite to keep stranglehold on power-----Randy Richardville offers up logical proposal to alter legislative term limits |

Who cares that the people voted for and love term limits?
The liberal media and otherwise unemployable state reps want MORE!
And the "contributions" (just doubled) from unions/connected businesses will get them the needed signatures.
Screw us little people.
Tim Skubick: Randy Richardville offers up logical proposal to alter legislative term limits |
"Mr. Richardville’s approach amounts to an end run around the law, but with voter participation.
It’s based on the long-held belief that citizens don’t want politicians to stay in office for life, but they like their local lawmaker.
Hence the Richardville plan would allow local lawmakers to gather petition signatures just when their careers are about to end, and if they get enough names, they can run for office again, and again and again, if voters decide to send them back to this town.
“I think it’s a reasonable request,” the GOP honcho tells the MIRS news guys.
Just like the word “logical,” the term “reasonable” is another reason why this probably won’t float."

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