Saturday, January 11, 2014

Yet, 110% will vote for him and his henchmen in every election. Caint fix what dont want fixin---------Obama’s hometown left behind in War on Poverty?

Obama’s hometown left behind in War on Poverty? | Fox News
As President Obama laid out his "Promise Zones" for economic development, he made a notable omission -- his hometown of Chicago. 
The president's beginnings were on the South Side of that city, first as a community organizer, then as a state senator. 
Today, though, swaths of the city are a powerful reminder that the "War on Poverty" is not over. And some wonder where the federal government is. 
The Englewood neighborhood is probably the most severe example of poverty in Chicago. It is a focal point of the street violence that plagues the South Side. On many streets, the boarded up homes seem to outnumber the occupied ones. 
"This used to be a working-class poor community," state Rep. Mary Flowers said. "There used to be hospitals here, libraries, schools, transportation, stores, theaters. That's all gone now." 
Walking the streets of Englewood, Rev. Jesse Jackson stopped short of accusing the president of abandoning his hometown -- but Jackson noted the lack of attention to the poverty in Chicago. 
"I wish he would do something major like come to Englewood where he was an organizer and bring with him the agencies of government," he said. 

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