Thursday, February 13, 2014

An Executive Order that Hurts

Blog: An Executive Order that Hurts:
"Employers with over 100 employees -- say 110 -- are still bound to obey and incur fines, no taxes, (or is a penalty?).
They are being placed in a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace.
The term "competitive" is the bad word that progressives only seem to apply to politics.
But those businessmen with over 100 employees are clearly still hamstrung by the bill, while their competitors are released. 
It's unfair to them and now they now have a standing in court.
Executive orders (EO) truly need some legal clarification, so let's get it done before the court gets further packed with progressive liberals.
The concept of EO has morphed beyond reasonable construction of the Constitution. Never was the Executive branch allowed to alter passed law."

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