Sunday, February 09, 2014

History for February 9

History for February 9 -
Birth anniversary of 9th US president, William Henry Harrison (1773-1841). Served 33 days before succumbing to pneumonia contracted during the inaugural ceremonies.
100th birth anniversaries of ecdysiast Gypsy Rose Lee (1914-70)

Happy Birthday! Mia Farrow
1825 - The U.S. House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams president. No candidate had received a majority of electoral votes. 

1861 - The Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America elected Jefferson Davis as its president. 

1895 - Volley Ball was invented by W.G. Morgan. 

1895 - The first college basketball game was played as Minnesota State School of Agriculture defeated the Porkers of Hamline College, 9-3. 

1895 baseketball.jpg
1942 - Daylight-saving "War Time" went into effect in the U.S.

1943 - During World War II, the battle of Guadalcanal ended with an American victory over Japanese forces. 

1950 - U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy charged that the State Department was riddled with Communists. ." 

1969 - The Boeing 747 flew its inaugural flight. 

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