Sunday, February 16, 2014

Yes, It’s A “Major Issue:” The Industrialized World Is Abandoning The U.S.

Yes, It’s A “Major Issue:” The Industrialized World Is Abandoning The U.S. - Austin Hill - Page full: "Shortly before his election win Abbott was asked in a nationwide television interview “with our government debt so low, why do you want to cut government spending even further?”
“Because there’s still waste in our government, that’s why” Abbott replied.
Shortly after his September 7, 2013 landslide victory he set a date of July 1, 2014 by which he intends to eliminate his nation’s “carbon tax.”

And – gasp! – could it be that the European nations are abandoning their “green” status?
It would appear that way.
Last month the European commission, the legislative body of the union that sets policies shared among the member nations, voted to officially abandon specific sets of “climate change protocols.”
Even more stunning, the commission appears to be preparing to allow fracking among the member nations, with the hope of making Europe a leader in the global natural gas and oil shale markets."

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