Wednesday, April 23, 2014

In Just 17 Seconds, S.E. Cupp Perfectly Explains Why Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Group Has ‘Crumbled’

In Just 17 Seconds, S.E. Cupp Perfectly Explains Why Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns Group Has ‘Crumbled’ | Video |
"As reported by NewsBusters, Cupp also said Bloomberg’s strategy to go after the National Rifle Association is a “very odd thing” because the gun rights group doesn’t represent criminal or even gun manufacturers.
“The NRA represents law-abiding gun owners, like myself, they don’t represent criminals. They don’t event represent gun manufacturers,” she said earlier in the segment. “So why Mayor Bloomberg is turning his figurative guns on people like me when there are criminals out there seems a very strange way to go about reducing gun crime. His efforts on this issue have been measurable failures.”"

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