Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jeepers, maybe telling the world that a blowjob isn't sex mighta contributed?-------Study: Many young girls view sexual violence as 'normal stuff'

Study: Many young girls view sexual violence as 'normal stuff' | MSNBC
Fear of slut-shaming drives many adolescent girls to stay silent and not report sexual violence, a new study found, as many view harassment as normal, everyday life of middle school and high school.
The eye-popping results, from a study on Normalizing Sexual Violence set to appear in the next issue of Gender & Society, exposes how objectification, sexual harassment and abuse are viewed as everyday experiences for many young women.
.......Instead, Hlavka found, girls avoided reporting instances of harassment or violence because they feared backlash from peers and of assuming the label of “whore” or “slut.”
“Some girls belittled others’ experiences, holding them responsible for their victimizations,” Hlavka wrote. Young girls in the study describe how peers – and even friends – would question a victim’s story after they came forward.
Girls were criticized for not successfully maneuvering men’s aggressive behavior.
Others didn’t report violence because they didn’t want to make a “big deal” of their experiences.

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