Monday, September 15, 2014

Rational Thinking About Irrational Numbers

Rational Thinking About Irrational Numbers | Somewhat Reasonable:
"In the last 100 years, the amount of CO2 in the air has increased from three molecules per 10,000 molecules of air, to four molecules out of 10,000 molecules of air.
 Which means we are being asked to believe the increase of one molecule of CO2 out of 10,000 molecules of air in the last 100 years is causing catastrophic climate change that threatens mankind.
 This is all fascinating to me, given Secretary of State John Kerry’s comments on the immense threat of a catastrophe based on out of control climate, when we have groups like ISIS and Hamas running around.
Seems to me that there is a lot of inconsistency here.
The idea from John Kerry is that CO2-induced warming is an imminent national security threat.
So he is saying the increase of one molecule of CO2 per 10,000 molecules of air in the last 100 years is a threat on par with what is going on in the Middle East? 
How can that even be close.
The real threat when it comes to CO2 is the agenda that paints it as a threat. One, it makes us more reliant on an unstable area of the world.
Two, the policies limiting its use starve the lifeline of our economy.
As I have opined before, it’s the global warming agenda that is the major threat, not global warming."

....But let’s look more closely at this in the U.S., since we naturally want to lead the world to a brighter tomorrow.
It is estimated that the U.S. has averaged 20% of the CO2 input from man over the last 100 years . Assuming all the increase of CO2 is man-made, that would mean in 50,000 molecules of air, the U.S. has added one molecule of CO2 in the last 100 years, while the global GDP skyrocketed.
How much is that a year? 
Well we have to divide the figure above. 
One molecule per 50,000 in the last 100 years means we have averaged one molecule of CO2 for every 5,000,000 molecules of air per year. So we are asked to believe that is changing the climate?
But wait, let’s think locally to act globally (I have a sweatshirt that says that).
300,000,000 people. 
How many molecules of CO2 does the average American add to the atmosphere every year?
One molecule of CO2 out of every 1,500,000,000,000,000 molecules of air each year.
Why you selfish capitalist pig. 
You are destroying the planet by your very existence (though the plants love you – I saw a tree hug a human the other day).

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