Saturday, October 04, 2014

After Being Fined for Refusing to Host Gay Weddings and Making a Stunning Business Decision, Christian Farm Owners Are Fighting Back |

After Being Fined for Refusing to Host Gay Weddings and Making a Stunning Business Decision, Christian Farm Owners Are Fighting Back |

“While the Giffords have asserted their constitutional religious protections as a defense to the discrimination allegations from the beginning, neither the Division, the Administrative Law Judge (the ‘ALJ’) or the Commissioner herself even mentioned those fundamental rights before compelling the family to either host and ‘celebrate’ same-sex wedding ceremonies in their own home, or go out of the wedding ceremony business altogether,” reads the appeal filed in court.
Attorneys for the Giffords argue that the family should be free to live according to their religious beliefs and that operating in the marketplace does not give the government the right to force an individual to give up his or her First Amendment rights."

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