Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Cuz most teachers were girls?-The state of boys: In crisis

The state of boys: In crisis « Watchdog.org:
"...boys aren’t just heading into a danger zone but already are living in it.

Some national statistics:
*Preschool boys are expelled nearly five times more often than girls
*Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with learning disorders
*Boys are 30 percent more likely to flunk out or drop out of school

Here in New Mexico, the figures are just as bad, if not worse.
Two weeks ago, the Legislative Finance Committee released the state’s dropout rates, and the statistics were sobering: 58 percent of the dropouts were boys — 16 percent higher than for girls.
The people at LFC did some more digging for me and came back with even more depressing numbers.
Boys make up 62.5 percent of the students in the past school year suspended or expelled and 60.7 percent of those who had to repeat the ninth grade.
The numbers for Hispanic and Native American boys were disproportionately high.
The pattern continues into higher education."

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