Sunday, October 19, 2014

Holi crapoli! 44% of the new state budget is "free money" from the federal government!!!-----Schauer Jobs Plan Pricetag: $3.7 Billion

Schauer Jobs Plan Pricetag: $3.7 Billion [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"At a time when state spending has reached a record high, proposals in a "Jobs Blueprint” posted on Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer’s website would increase it by about $3.7 billion, according to an analysis by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
The extra money would go to public schools, universities, community colleges, film subsidies, state revenue sharing payments to local governments, higher unemployment benefits, universal pre-school programs and more.
Schauer offers few details on how he would pay for the increases beyond non-specific suggestions like “cut wasteful spending to save taxpayer dollars,” "review state contracts" and “make government more efficient and effective.”
The new spending would be added to the latest state budget which is a record $30.04 billion according to the Senate Fiscal Agency.
It is $53.29 billion when federal dollars are included, also a record.
New records were also set in last year’s budget."

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