Sunday, October 12, 2014

Home Depot Embraces Sharia Law With Forced 'Muslim Sensitivity Training'

Home Depot Embraces Sharia Law With Forced 'Muslim Sensitivity Training' - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins:
CAIR is a terrorist organization with terror ties that will knock your eyes out
Since 9/11, CAIR associates have been indicted multiple times on terrorism-related charges. 
Now this same group has demanded and received from home improvement giant Home Depot that it’s employees be subjected to “muslim cultural awareness sensitivity training”. 
We welcome such opportunities to engage Home Depot and other business establishments to better serve their Muslim customers and accommodate the cultural competency of their Muslim employees,” said CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid.
CAIR has helped resolve a number of similar cases inolving prayer in the workplace and offers a booklet, called An Employer’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices,” to help corporate managers gain a better understanding of Islam and Muslims. 
Here are a few nuggets from it:
Friday is the day for congregational worship, called Jum’ah. The prayer generally takes place at a mosque during the noontime prayer and includes an address or sermon, and lasts a total of 45 to 90 minutes.
Performing the rituals of the pilgrimage may last five days during the second week of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar. However, considerable variations exist in trip arrangements, and group travel may take 10-21 days. Muslim employees may choose to make pilgrimage using vacation time.
Employers may wish to modify dress code policies so that religiously-mandated attire is addressed as a diversity issue. For example, many corporations have a policy forbidding the wearing of “hats.” This rule may be amended to exempt items such as head scarves and skullcaps.
A Muslim employee should not be asked to serve or sell religiously offensive products, such as alcoholic beverages

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