Friday, November 28, 2014

9 fun facts we bet you didn't know about Thanksgiving

9 fun facts we bet you didn't know about Thanksgiving -
"Here's 9 to get you started.
We bet you they'll eat them up!
1. A tradition is born: TV dinners have Thanksgiving to thank.
In 1953, someone at Swanson misjudged the number of frozen turkeys it would sell that Thanksgiving -- by 26 TONS!
Some industrious soul came up with a brilliant plan:
Why not slice up the meat and repackage with some trimmings on the side?Thus, the first TV dinner was born!
2. Going shopping?:
Not if you're a plumber.
Black Friday is the busiest day of the year for them, according to Roto-Rooter, the nation's largest plumbing service.
After all, someone has to clean up after household guests who "overwhelm the system.""

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