Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ten Stories NBC Nightly News Aired Instead of Covering Gruber Scandal

Ten Stories NBC Nightly News Aired Instead of Covering Gruber Scandal:

"But over the past month, NBC has found a lot of so-called “news” to fill up its evening broadcast, including a Washington story about a previously-unknown GOP staffer writing a snarky Facebook post about President Obama’s daughters. Nightly News has also carved out a lot of airtime for network self-promotion, including multiple plugs for NBC's live broadcast of Peter Pan, an entertainment program starring the daughter of anchor Brian Williams.

Below are ten stories that, unlike the Gruber videos, were deemed worthy of coverage by NBC Nightly News during the past month. With Gruber himself set to answer questions at a congressional hearing later today, NBC has a fresh opportunity tonight to fix the glaring omission of the past 30 days — the question is, will they once again pretend the Gruber story doesn’t exist?"

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