Monday, December 22, 2014

Time: The Real Threat To Cops Are Right-Wing Militias

Time: The Real Threat To Cops Are Right-Wing Militias | The Daily Caller
Time Magazine warned of a growing threat to cops nationwide in September 2010. 
The nationally renowned publication argued that sinister individuals would launch targeted attacks against police officers and even ambush them in their patrol cars.
Time alerted readers that these groups and individuals have a disturbing hatred of cops and that there was a real threat of “lone-wolf” attacks.
Who are these groups that present such a threat to police? 
Right-wing militias, according to Time.
In a lengthy six-page article entitled “The Secret World of Extremist Militias,” then-Time Contributing Editor-at-Large Barton Gellman made the case that America should be deeply worried about private citizens forming militias.
...Gellman goes on to claim that these groups have a “dangerous” ideology, which includes patriotism and a strong support for the Second Amendment.
He spends most of the article trying to link unrelated acts of violence by white supremacists to “patriot” militia groups, and attempts to coax his interview subjects to say they are ready to commit acts of terrorism.
...Since the article’s publication, there have hardly been any reported cases of violence stemming from individuals connected to the militia movement. 
...Meanwhile, the suspected gunman behind the Saturday ambush of two New York City police officers was certainly not a right-wing militant.
Ismaaiyl Brinsley was reportedly a member of the notorious prison gang, the Black Guerrilla Family, which espouses a mix of black nationalism and Marxism.
The gang declared “open season” on NYPD officers earlier in December following the non-indictment of the officer involved in the death of Eric Garner. (RELATED: Suspect In NYPD Cop Execution Sought Revenge For Mike Brown And Eric Garner)
A thorough search of Time’s archive produced no stories about the threat that communists, black nationalists or prison gangs pose to police.

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