Sunday, December 14, 2014

Why Is This One Campus Assault Statistic Being Ignored?

Why Is This One Campus Assault Statistic Being Ignored? -
Given all the attention paid to sexual assault on college campuses in recent months, you'd think a Justice Department report showing that the campus rape and assault rate had dropped 52% since 1997 would attract a lot of attention.
That is, after all, what the data contained in its 20-page report, released on Thursday, show.
In 1997, the number of rapes or sexual assaults per 1,000 students ages 18-24 was 9.2. By 2013, that had fallen to 4.4. 
The same trend occurred for young women who weren't attending college. 
Justice data show that the rate peaked in 2000 at 12.2, but was down to 4.3 last year.

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