Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Bumped---Best Film in Decades: American Sniper Breaks All-Time Record for Limited Release

We saw it yesterday afternoon in liberal, Dillon CO.
A Monday afternoon, 4:30.
The theatre was packed.
At the end of the movie, everyone sat quietly to watch the credits to the end.
Maybe to get control of our emotions.....
No one left until credits ended and lights went on.
Complete silence as we left the theatre.
Another big line was formed up for the next show.
Amazing movie.
Made me proud to be in the same country as those brave hereos.

Best Film in Decades: American Sniper Breaks All-Time Record for Limited Release | Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs
"Longtime readers of Atlas Shrugs know how much I love movies — not the dreck that’s served up today, but the great golden age of Hollywood, when America was a proud force for good. Every Saturday night, I run a movie from that era that reminds my readers who and what we are and could be.
Tonight I saw a film that all Americans should see. Finally, a modern film that made me proud to be an American:  American Sniper. It tells the truth about the war we are in and the savages we are fighting (a word used repeatedly, I might add).
Every film about war about and since Vietnam, with few exceptions, has been a left-wing hate-filled attack on America. Proud, patriotic films about American heroism and goodness have gone the way of all great American  institutions, such as individualism, liberty, and capitalism under the decades-long siege by the left.
Clint Eastwood can join the pantheon of great American directors such as Frank Capra and John Ford, proud Americans who loved their country and made films that reflected the culture of the good. We owe Clint Eastwood a huge debt...

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