Monday, January 26, 2015

Notes on Another Clinton Scandal: Was Vince Foster Killed?

Special Report: Notes on Another Clinton Scandal: Was Vince Foster Killed? | Truthstream Media
:But the Clinton’s have many skeletons in the proverbial closet, and many other scandals that could crop up during her second bid for the highest office in the land, and larger quest for power.
We encountered one of those while on a road trip through Arkansas – and stopping off in Hope. It is not only the famed birthplace of former president Bill Clinton, as well as former governor Mike Huckabee, it is also the hometown and burial ground of Vince Foster, a man who was childhood neighbors with Bill, partner at the Rose Law Firm with Hillary, and as deputy legal council for the White House, one of the closest keepers of the Clinton Administration’s most personal secrets.
Early into the first term, when the Clinton’s found themselves already embroiled in scandals including those surrounding the Travel Staff and Whitewater financial investigations, Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Darcy Park, officially ruled to be a suicide – but suggesting much more.
Foster’s death prompted a wave of controversial as conflicting facts in the investigation of his death suggested murder and a cover-up at the highest levels. It became fuel for whatHillary Clinton termed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” that increasingly nested on the growing Internet, and has remained one of the most conspicuous and shady events under the still looming reign of the Clinton’s.
In the end, with Vince Foster such as close associate and friend of the family, his is the closest body to their front door on what has been considered a very long “trail of dead bodies” entangled in mystery, intrigue, conspiracy

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