Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Despite All The Snow, Barack Obama’s Sick Obsession With Climate Change Rages On

Despite All The Snow, Barack Obama’s Sick Obsession With Climate Change Rages On | The Daily Sheeple:
"For Obama, what was once a political goal is now being transformed into something akin to a religious crusade. 
But could it be possible that “the leader of the free world” is completely wrong about all of this?
No scientist denies that the climate of this planet has always been changing and that it always will be changing.
The level to which human activity influences this change is where there is disagreement.
Yes, certain human activities produce carbon dioxide.  
But the amount of carbon dioxide produced by human activity is an extremely small fraction of the overall total.  
Even if all human activity on the entire planet could be suddenly eliminated, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would still be about the same.
And scientists tell us that there were times in the past when levels of carbon dioxide on our planet were far, far higher than they are today. 
So much, much higher levels of carbon dioxide would not destroy our world. 
In fact, scientists tell us that life on Earth greatly thrived when there was much more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
...But in public schools in America today, our children are being taught that carbon dioxide is evil.  They are being told that it is a dangerous pollutant and that it is bad for the environment and that we must eliminate as much of it as possible.
Sadly, our children are never taught that the number one driver of “climate change” by far is actually the giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around.  
It is called “the Sun”, and the impact that changes in the Sun have on our climate absolutely dwarfs anything that humanity is doing.
And in recent years our Sun has started to behave very erratically. 
This is the real “climate change” crisis that people should be talking about. 
Personally, I believe that tremendous changes to our climate are coming because of what is happening to the Sun.
But because this reality does not fit with the narrative that our politicians are pushing, it is ignored.  Instead, they want to blame “climate change” on human activity so that they can regulate and manage that activity.
It is all about convincing all of us to give them even more control over our lives.
Since virtually everything that we do could potentially “affect the climate” in some way, it gives control freak politicians the perfect excuse to micromanage society.
So that is why politicians like Obama are constantly hyping the “catastrophic” threats posed by climate change....."

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