Sunday, April 19, 2015

Adapting to or Preventing a Coming Ice Age

Articles: Preventing a Coming Ice Age
"...There is little that can be done to mitigate the 1500-year cycles, if indeed they are controlled by solar activity.  
Here, adaptation may provide the only means of dealing with the disastrous effects of the cold periods.  
Research should be directed to discovering the best methods of countering the damaging impacts of cooling on human populations.
The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) occurred about 18,000 years ago, with the Great Lakes a remnant of this recent glaciation.  
...The onset of the next glaciation, another ice age, is widely expected.  
It would spell a severe test for humanity but would probably not terminate human existence on the planet.  
It would not match the ultimate catastrophe, the impact of a large asteroid, such as occurred 65 million years ago at the beginning of the Tertiary, which wiped out the dinosaurs.
The survival of the human race depends very much on advanced technology.  
This is especially the case for climate change.  
Good-quality agricultural land will be limited; but hothouse yields could be high.  
An efficient distribution system could alleviate the threat of starvation for a reduced population.  Nuclear energy, based on uranium/thorium fission and on fusion reactors, may provide the mainstay of civilization.  
We may well be living underground, but not necessarily in caves.
I can visualize a possible international collaboration that might involve three teams in North America, Europe, and Asia, working independently and using their own satellite systems...
Stopping the next ice age appears to be well within our technical capability and carries a huge benefit-to-cost ratio.  
An investment of millions would prevent the loss of trillions of dollars.

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