Sunday, April 19, 2015

One creepy old lady-----Candidate Hillary Clinton Releases “Rules” that “Everyday Americans” Must Follow If Participating In Her Events…

Candidate Hillary Clinton Releases “Rules” that “Everyday Americans” Must Follow If Participating In Her Events… | The Last Refuge
The Clinton Rules for meeting candidate Clinton are coming to light. 
After recent events in Iowa some reporters were able to talk to the limited number of  “everyday Americans” who participated in her presidential rollout.
♦ Rule #1.  Pre-Approval of your personage is required.
♦ Rule #2.  You must sign releases to allow the campaign control over all content while you are present.
♦ Rule #3.  All of your electronic devices and cell phones must be turned over to handlers – and they will be returned only at the conclusion of the event.
♦ Rule #4.  You will be transported to undisclosed location(s).  You will not be informed of your destination until arrival.
Nothing like a little Clintonian paranoia to help Hillary connect to the unwashed masses.

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