Tuesday, April 21, 2015

University Apologizes to Illegal Aliens for Mexican Food at Sci-Fi Event

University Apologizes to Illegal Aliens for Mexican Food at Sci-Fi Event | MRCTV
Here, we have another glaring example of self-victimization by, shockingly (sarcasm), college students. 
During a sci-fi themed event at Stevenson College, a residential college of the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), students chose to be offended by (wait for it) the food provided.
The event staff deemed the theme to be “intergalactic” and decorated the room with spaceships and aliens. 
Focus on the “aliens.” 
The staff, wittingly or unwittingly, chose to cater the event with a Mexican food buffet, which students then linked the Mexican food with the theme of aliens.
Get it? 
They made a connection of goofy space aliens and illegal immigrants, specifically the term “illegal aliens.”
Wait, it gets better (or worse depending on how you receive this). 
Stevenson is APOLOGIZING for the “cultural insensitivity” of the event. Dr. Carolyn Golz, Student Life overseer, wrote a letter to students, particularly to undocumented students, apologizing for the connection students made.
“We would never want to make a connection between individuals of Latino heritage or undocumented students and "aliens" and I am so sorry that our College Night appeared to do exactly that.”...

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