Saturday, April 11, 2015

*UPDATE* “The Passenger” – The Walter Scott Vehicle Is A Curious Concern To Scott Scheme Team Narrative

*UPDATE* “The Passenger” – The Walter Scott Vehicle Is A Curious Concern To Scott Scheme Team Narrative – Updated With Incident Reports From Responding Officers (Sans Slager)…. | The Last Refuge:
"...Against the backdrop that Walter Scott fled after giving up his Driver’s License, thereby easily identifying his personage, an obvious issue is: what was more risky to him than staying in an innocuous traffic stop and being processed/cited? 
Something not passing the sniff test.
The family (Ryan Julison – spokesman) narrative to explain the motive for fleeing is to claim warrants for outstanding unpaid child support.
However, as the Associated Press reports, there was no outstanding warrant to fill that meme.
[…] Court records show that Walter L. Scott was almost $7,500 behind in child support at the time he was shot and killed by a police officer, but no bench warrant had been issued for him. (link)
So Ryan Julison wants to sell a motive that doesn’t exist.
Curiousor and curiousor.
Walter Scott claims in the Dash-Cam video that he just purchased the vehicle on Friday and was going to get the “paperwork” processed on Monday.
However, according to the Daily Mail, and quoting his co-worker, he put new wheels on it the week prior.
So he didn’t just purchase it….
Further Julison narrative expansion has Walter Scott buying it from a neighbor.
Yet with 24/7 coverage and a fleet of reporters, no-one appears interested to locate this “neighbor”…. for the “personal impact” angle…..
According to the Daily Mail Scott was on the phone with his Mother during the entire police stop. Yet the family doesn’t know who the passenger was?..."

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