Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's Only Fair To Tax The Wealthy, Obama Says: "They Are Society's Lottery Winners"

It's Only Fair To Tax The Wealthy, Obama Says: "They Are Society's Lottery Winners" | Zero Hedge
...Still, Obama has not given up and once again invokes the infamous fairness doctrine, saying that "fairness demands that the nation’s wealthiest pitch in as more and more Americans are falling behind."
Why does "fairness demand" anything?
Because according to Obama America's wealthy are nothing more than society's lottery winners. From the Daily Caller:
The top 25 hedge fund managers made more than all of the kindergarten teachers in the country. So, when I say that, I’m not saying that because I dislike hedge fund managers, or I think they are evil, I’m saying that you’re paying a lower [tax] rate than a lot of folks who are making $300,000 a year. You pretty much have more than you’ll ever be able to use in your family will ever be able to use.

There’s a fairness issue involved here. And by the way, if we were able to close that loophole, I could now invest in early childhood education to make a difference. That’s where the rubber hits the road. That’s … where the question of compassion and ‘I’m my brother’s keeper’ comes into play. And if we can’t ask from society’s lottery winners to just make that modest investment, then really this conversation is for show.
Of course, "society's lottery winners" simply because they have all the money and influence, will never agree to voluntarily part with their wealth by handing over more of it to Uncle Sam. Instead they will bribe Congress with a fraction of what taxes they would pay to crush any incipient tax reform.
After all they "won the lottery" precisely because they knew how to best game the system.
Instead what they will stronly "suggest", is for the Fed to go ahead and fund America's money needs by way of continuing to monetize its deficit: it may even require a rate hike first just to make sure the economy resumes its depressionary ways, just so there is cover for QE4, QE5 and so on.
And yes, for those who wonder, it was this "deficit monetization" process that since it was first launched in 2008, has made them richer than anything conceived in their wildest dreams.
They also won the lottery because they were smarter. Supposedly. Because as the cartoon below shows, that particular question is certainly up for debate in recent years...

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