Saturday, May 02, 2015

Liberals Plan to make "Islamophobia" a Crime! - Eagle Rising

Liberals Plan to make "Islamophobia" a Crime! - Eagle Rising:

"Do you get the insidiousness of what he is saying here? It sounds nice. Equality is great isn’t it? Labour Party Ed Miliband is arguing that the government should be about the business of not just enforcing equality under the law, but also by influencing equality through the force of government action. If a group of friends is hanging out playing poker and one of them happens to say some disparaging things about Muslims… he better hope that none of his buddies says anything to the cops. Because the Labour Party would like to charge him with an “aggravated crime” and keep a permanent record of his “Islamophobia.

”Terrifying, isn’t it? And this is from our closest European ally.

If anything has ever been “Orwellian”… I think this is it."

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