Sunday, May 10, 2015

No. We do NOT have ‘Unfettered Capitalism’.---175,000 Pages of Federal Regulations

‘Unfettered Capitalism’? 175,000 Pages of Federal Regulations | PJ Tatler
Whenever a liberal like Paul Krugman talks about the American system of “unfettered capitalism” I break out laughing. 
There are currently about 175,000 pages of federal regulations governing anything and everything about American business.
In truth, many regulations have become necessary over the decades. 
Worker safety has benefitted enormously and death and injury rates on the job have plummeted in the last 50 years. 
Our air and water are cleaner, consumer products are safer, and predatory capitalists have largely been sidelined.
But it goes without saying that agencies like the EPA are out of control, that the IRS has become even more overbearing, and that the dizzying array of federal compliance rules make it possible to violate the law without even knowing it.
AEI scholar Charles Murray has a book coming out next week titled By the People: Rebuilding Liberty Without Permission
In this extended excerpt in the Wall Street Journal, he offers a novel solution for dealing with many of these regulations: ignore them.

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