Saturday, May 23, 2015

Obama golfs-------Chinese army declares internet war

Chinese army declares internet war - Business Insider
"In a chilling memo released on Wednesday, the People's Liberation Army, or PLA, informed the world that, at least on the internet, China is at war.
The memo is called "Cybersovereignty Symbolizes National Sovereignty."
"The internet has become the main battlefront for struggle in the ideological area," it said.
"With the existence of the network, the ideological front has been completely thrown open ... National security has become an important component part of our country’s overall security 'chessboard.' It may be said that without cybersecurity, there is no national security."
So what, exactly, does that mean?
"It means there are enemies everywhere, and they come from Westerners creeping across borders through the net, polluting China with threatening ideas
(emphasis added):
Western hostile forces and a small number of "ideological traitors" in our country use the network..."


Unknown said...

You realize the photo you used is not the Chinese Military? The photo is actually the North Korean Army.

Jim Riley said...

Good get! No, I didn't know.