Monday, July 13, 2015

MYTHS DEBUNKED: 6 Reasons Dylann Roof Was Actually a Liberal Activist

DylanRoofMYTHS DEBUNKED: 6 Reasons Dylann Roof Was Actually a Liberal Activist » Louder With Crowder:
Today, the ‘Confederate Flag’ (which is actually the flag of the Army of Tennessee) was removed from the South Carolina State House.
We commend Governor Haley for taking this step.
However, we also recognize that a flag didn’t create racism and removing a flag from a building won’t end racism.
Leftists and the mainstream media would have you believe Dylann Roof was a right-wing extremist. Except he wasn’t.
There’s a big difference between the ideologies of the right and left in this country.
The first is an ideology of freedom and individualism. 
The other, Democrat leftism, is ideology of tyranny and dependence. 
Dylan Roof was anything but a freedom-loving, right-winger.
Here’s why:

1. The Confederate Flag – Dylann Roof’s prop of choice. It flew atop the South Carolina State House because of… Democrats. Yup, racist Democrats are the reason.

2. Skinheads, white supremacy and the KKK – these groups, admired by Dylann Roof, weren’t founded by conservatives.
 Time for a history lesson.
In his book A Short History of Reconstruction, Dr. Eric Foner (liberal historian and professor) explains, “The Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy.
It aimed to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.”
Sound kinda like Dylan Roof to you?
Read the rest!

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