Friday, July 10, 2015

NY House Passes Bill That Allows Shooting FULL TERM Babies in the Heart with Poison to Abort | Washington Weekly News

NY House Passes Bill That Allows Shooting FULL TERM Babies in the Heart with Poison to Abort | Washington Weekly News:

"AB 6221 passed the State Assembly 94-49, and would expand the leniency for third trimester abortions. If AB 6221 passes the Senate and becomes law, the wording of the abortion statute will allow full-term abortions as long as it’s “relevant to the well-being of the patient.”

Reasons included under the new language would be, emotional, familial, age, physical, or psychological. So for example, if a potential mother feels she’s not “emotionally stable” to handle a baby two weeks before birth, New York will allow her to have an abortion."

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