Friday, September 25, 2015

Gen. Petraeus on the 'Geopolitical Chernobyl'

Jordan Candler: Gen. Petraeus on the 'Geopolitical Chernobyl' — The Patriot Post:
"During congressional testimony Tuesday, Ret. Gen. David Petraeus didn’t mince words about Barack Obama’s strategy in the Middle East.
“We are not where we should be at this point,” he said in regards to Iraq.
He had particularly strong words for the situation in Syria, which he called a “geopolitical Chernobyl — spewing instability and extremism over the region and the rest of the world.”
The fight, he declared, will come to us whether we like it or not: 
“The Middle East is not part of the world that plays by Las Vegas rules:
What happens in the Middle East is not going to stay in the Middle East...”

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