Tuesday, September 01, 2015

That Jihadist Tot Is Back Inflicting New Sadism on His Teddy Bear in New Shock Photos | TheBlaze.com

That Jihadist Tot Is Back Inflicting New Sadism on His Teddy Bear in New Shock Photos | TheBlaze.com:

 "The Islamic State group regularly uses children for propaganda purposes to try to demonstrate how it indoctrinates the young. The recruits seen in training videos and as executioners are called “cubs of the caliphate.”

There are two kinds of diseases taking place.
The first, is ISIS.
The second, is the determination of the current administration to allow them to continue their rein of terror.

The United States must not allow such terror to come to our shores. You would think our own government would want to do everything possible to keep our home safe...but we elected someone who has no love for our country and pacifies our enemy, which only encourages them to do more harm.


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