Thursday, December 31, 2015

When Beatlemania Is a Microaggression.

When Beatlemania Is a Microaggression... - Hit & Run :
Over at National Review, Kat Timpf (also a featured panelist on Greg Gutfeld's Saturday night Fox News show), relates a tale that sums up the low stakes of much debate over political correctness, microaggressions, and the like.
Forget about mediocre ethnic food served up in cafeterias, claiming that "America is the land of opportunity," or saying yoga is yoga, rather than "mindful stretching."
It's Beatlemania that is culturally insensitive and intolerant.
Psychology professor Adam J. Rodriguez of California's Notre Dame de Namaur University tells the story of a friend who "is a really, really big Beatles fan" and "insisted that I dedicate time to listen to them."
Summarizes Timpf:
Rodriguez, who is Puerto Rican, explained that his friend was part of “the dominant culture” that makes people Beatles fans — and the fact that he dared to criticize Rodriguez for not being one was insensitive and meant he just didn’t recognize the “power and privileges” he had as a white dude that Rodriguez did not have.
“All cultures contain within them many subcultures, with one cultural dimension often dominant,” Rodriguez wrote.
“When one is a member of the dominant culture, that person enjoys particular power and privileges, including the freedom to not have to consider other perspectives.”...
Read on and keep a barf bag close.....

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