Thursday, January 28, 2016

VIDEO: Christians Bloodied by Stone-Throwing Muslims… In Michigan — Freedom Daily

VIDEO: Christians Bloodied by Stone-Throwing Muslims… In Michigan — Freedom Daily:

"What makes the situation worse and also proves that many of America’s law enforcement officers are scared to interject in areas and gatherings that are populated by Muslims is that the Wayne County sheriff’s deputies that were there for security stood by and watched while the Christians were attacked with stones and bottles, even cutting many of the protesters’ faces and bodies. (H/T WND)

That’s not hearsay, either. It was all caught on camera. The Wayne County police did absolutely nothing while the angry Muslims attacked peaceful Christian protesters right in front of their eyes.

Israel begged the deputies to enforce the law, but their only response was that the Christian group leave or face arrest.

Is this America?"

Are we ready to wake up?

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