Monday, April 25, 2016

How Democrats Win Debates by Corrupting English

How Democrats Win Debates by Corrupting English -
"Humans have been using euphemisms ever since Adam first "knew" Eve.
In politics especially, obfuscating and twisting the meaning of words has been going on forever.
But today's debates aren't only littered with rhetorical distortions; in some ways, many of Democrats' most potent arguments are built on corrupt language.
One word that's really getting a workout this cycle is "loophole." 
Basically, all of life is a giant loophole until Democrats come up with a way to regulate or tax it.
In its economic usage, "loophole"—probably more of a dysphemism—creates the false impression that people are getting away with breaking the law. 
It's a way to skip the entire debate portion of the conversation and get right to the accusation.
So when Hillary Clinton promises to close the loophole of corporate inversion, what she means to say is that Democrats disapprove of this completely legal thing that corporations do to shield their money from the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world.
Loopholes are like giveaways, monies that D.C. has yet to double and triple tax.
It's one thing for Democrats to try and set the parameters of a debate before the debate is even had, but it's quite another to watch the press participate.

  • Here's CNN: "Clinton to push closing corporate tax loopholes." 
  • Here's The Hill: "Obama calls for Congress to close corporate tax loopholes." 
  • Here's how Halimah Abdullah and the Associated Press reported the issue on NBC: "President Obama on Tuesday criticized loopholes that help protect offshore tax havens and U.S. companies that move abroad for lower tax rates."
  • ...Bernie Sanders..."The offshore tax haven network isn't something that we need to reform or refine. It's a form of legalized tax fraud that must end."

"Legalized tax fraud" is a revealing statement about the progressive belief system.
For progressives, taxation is moral.
So when you fail to pay an imaginary tax that doesn't exist but Democrats think should, you are by default engaged in fraud. 
The law has just to catch up with sin..."

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